Thursday, September 15, 2011

Facts about Back Pain

Guest Blog By: Laurie P.

Back pain affects many people in this country. Here are some interesting facts that you may not have known about back pain. If you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to call St Louis spine doctors for answers.

• 8 out of 10 people will have back pain at some point during their lives. This means that 80 percent of people will have to deal with it at one time or another.

• 80 percent of lower back pain is referred to as “nonspecific” back pain. This means that there is no way to determine exactly what is specifically causing the back pain.

• 95 percent of back pain that is nonspecific will actually resolve itself within about six weeks, so often with good care and rest, you can heal yourself.

• Generally, many doctors now agree that taking an X-ray of your back is actually not that helpful in determining the cause of back pain. They liken it to taking a photograph of your car’s engine and then presenting it to your mechanic and expecting a clear diagnosis.

• Did you know that smokers are more at risk for developing back pain? Yet another reason to quit.

• Those who are in good physical shape and who exercise regularly have fewer occurrences of back pain and if they do get any, tend to recover much more quickly.

As you can see, back pain is fairly common. If you are having back pain, consult your doctor.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bariatric Services

Guest Blog By: Sean J.

Obesity is becoming a very huge problem – not just in the United States but all across the globe. People are more sedentary and they just aren’t watching what they eat anymore. Sometimes the obesity leads to diabetes, heart conditions and other diseases.

There is no reason to be heavy. While it may seem like there is no hope because you have tried diet and exercise, there are still ways to get the weight off.

See a specialist!

There are specialists out there that focus on weight loss as the only thing that they do. This includes professional nutritionists that will design a special menu for you so that you eat those things and only those things that help weight loss.

Fitness specialists also exist. They can be your private trainer so that you can focus on all of your target areas and get the weight off effectively. You can become an all new you and change many health conditions around just by dropping the weight.

Many other specialists exist for weight loss surgery. Missouri bariatric services are available if you meet specific requirements. They can talk to you about your options of reducing the size of your stomach, which has been very effective in fighting obesity in many people all around the world.

The important thing is that you have various options to take. Specialists are located in every city so that you can get the weight off effectively and potentially save your life.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Community for Make Up Information

The would be the smart place to check out for people who were looking to learn tips and tutorials about Cosmetics products available. The are user oriented, and have created the Make Up Tips community for you to share your love for makeup with the rest of community member across Globe. For more information about Make up tips and to share your Make Up ideas among other community members, please feel free to check out the above link.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

5 Incredible Forums on Health Informatics

Forums are a great way to reach out to other professionals that are looking to connect with people within similar careers. In a forum you are able to make comments on a certain topics that were introduced by another member or you can introduce your own topics. The topics are generally related to what the content of the site is about. Health Informatics is an emerging career, so forums are a great way to get out some ideas for discussion that can be later made useful on the job. These forums are also a great place to involve yourself in networking. We found some incredible forums that will spark the interest of many Health Informatics professionals and students.

5 Incredible Forums on Health Informatics

1. –A Social Network for Health Informatics Professionals and Students- The name of the forum says it all. Anyone involved in Health Informatics is welcome here. This forum has loads of information and resources. There are places to search for employment opportunities, see what events are upcoming in the Health Informatics field, and resource pages available for any one to look through and learn what is going on in the Health Informatics world.

2. - This is an Information Technology website from the United Kingdom. We chose this site because we think it is a good idea to be aware of what goes on overseas. As technology grows the world seems to get smaller. Issues that they have in the United Kingdom for Health Informatics are not that far off from what the have in the United States. There are many forums that you can link into from this web page. Just type in Forum to search and choose your topic.

3. -This is a forum created on Facebook for Health Informatics professionals. Log on to Facebook and join this group and be a friend to many other professionals in the Health Informatics field.

4. – The website is full of forums with numerous questions regarding health informatics. The forums are not specific to a specialty, there is a good amount of information on this site to get you information you are looking for. One of the sub categories is career advice. If you are wondering what other professional are wondering about ther Health Informatics field then come check this out.

5. – this Facebook forum is designed especially for students involved in Health Informatics studies. This was started in 2009 out of Canada. Since this Facebook forum has been around for 3 years there is plenty of discussion and ideas posted that would be very interesting to review. Have a look and see what you think of it.

Mare Lisa very much enjoys posting blogs for students interested in masters in nursing informatics programs.