I have been detailing for a long time in my articles of my desire to move towards reliable and most affordable online cloud storage choice. After well thought and dragging decision for a long time, I have decided to opt for Microsoft's OneDrive as my preferred online cloud storage platform for its affordability and exclusive access to office applications. However, post migration to OneDrive, there is specific disadvantage of the platform when installed on MAC and wanted to detail the same to my readers.
- Lack of choice to select specific folders in MAC: I use Apple's MacBook pro as my preferred laptop for both business and personal use and have no intentions of moving back to Windows operating system in near future. Post installation of OneDrive to my MAC, the most annoying part was, it had defined folders in it and had no preferences/options available to either select or discard specified folder inside my MAC. I had to copy and paste each file(s) into OneDrive's folder for it to sync across devices and when there is change in files architecture or update in the document, the changed files or updated document to be manually moved to the OneDrive‘s online folder. Also, OneDrive does not allow users to backup system files or back up critical system files to OneDrive folder.